There are plenty of good auditors, registrars, companies, Quality Managers that prowl this board. If you are not happy with what you have, then make whatever changes are needed or possible. That is our jobs. We are the Change Agents for our companies and clients.
If it were easy, then everyone would be doing it! But, it is worth pursuing.
Agreed again. We still consider it worth pursuing. And thats why we are still here discussing it.
I also offer a common modern day situation to consider: A company is offering a product in the market. The customers are happy with the offering. Regular repeat orders keep flowing in. Quality is improving by the day. Turnover, profits are improving by the day. Employees are getting richer salaries and better benefits. The management is keenly involved in the day to day running and in the progress plans of the Company. The Company has a good working system and is SUCCESSFUL.
The recertification audit for ISO 9001 is due. The MR, like Angie, is running from pillar to post not knowing where is what. No internal audits were ever done in time. CAs are lying open.PA / CI records dont exist. Other documentation is hopelessly outdated. Management reviews are having fake records. A massive exercise is launched to 'prepare' for the audit. People work for day and night and somehow get through the audit. Then they go to sleep for another year. Nobody gives it a second thought. This is routine. ISO is bullxxxx.
The problem is that the management never believed in or wanted a certificate. They were forced into it by their customer. They wanted a paper on the wall, hired a consultant. He knew nothing of the intricasies of their operation. He brought a generic system and declared it as installed. He also brought in an auditor who declared it as certified. (mind you, this also is routine.) And then, the yearly 'preparations' for the audit started. They have now become the norm.
The company has an excellent working system, but it is nowhere close to what is described in their QMS documentation. Only an insider can possibly change it - difficult as the management doesnt believe. A third party 'good' auditor can at most write a bunch of NCs, or refuse certification. A consultant cant intervene unless invited.
We talk of being change agents. Maybe, we do manage to bring in small changes in our small spheres of activity. But imagine a great banner CB going to audit a great banner global manufacturing / service company and refusing / withdrawing certification or even any AB refusing / withdrawing accreditation from a great banner CB. Those sort of change agents will hopefully be born. They are not around yet.
Still, lets keep pursuing and discussing!