Hi all. I'm attempting to verify the completeness of a design control procedure and identify the resulting documentation with regards to the requirements of ISO 9001.
I'm a little more familiar with medical device design requirements, and I'm trying to follow the least burdensome approach by not including anything that's not necessary, while also not ignoring anything that would provide obvious advantages to manufacturing, safety, and support.
Care to take a look and see if I'm obviously missing anything, or including too much? Or if I'm absolutely mental?
Also I realize some of the abbreviations may be cryptic.
DHF - Design History File
DMR - Device Master Record
D+D Plan - Design & Development Plan
FMEA - Failure mode and effects analysis form
I/O - Input / Output
DRF - Design Review Form
DTP - Design Transfer Plan
PM - Preventative Maintenance
I'm whiteboarding right now, so please excuse the non-digitized nature of this image. Thanks in advance!
I'm a little more familiar with medical device design requirements, and I'm trying to follow the least burdensome approach by not including anything that's not necessary, while also not ignoring anything that would provide obvious advantages to manufacturing, safety, and support.
Care to take a look and see if I'm obviously missing anything, or including too much? Or if I'm absolutely mental?
Also I realize some of the abbreviations may be cryptic.
DHF - Design History File
DMR - Device Master Record
D+D Plan - Design & Development Plan
FMEA - Failure mode and effects analysis form
I/O - Input / Output
DRF - Design Review Form
DTP - Design Transfer Plan
PM - Preventative Maintenance
I'm whiteboarding right now, so please excuse the non-digitized nature of this image. Thanks in advance!