Aaron Lupo
Here is a list of findings that I have seen most often when doing upgrade audits from 94 to 2000.
4.2.2 C Processes are not defined in the Quality Manual. If there are multiple sites involved the interface between the sites are not identified.
4.2.3 b) Document control procedure does not address periodic review and re approval of documents.
4.2.4) Control of records procedure does not address retention time or disposal of quality records.
5.1) Top management (those who have responsibility for profit and loss) do not communicate the importance of meeting customer, and statutory requirements. No records, resp defined, etc..
By far the requirement most often missed are 8.2.1 or 5.4.1) Top management has not established measurable objectives, goals (8.4), and corrective action (8.5.1) is not issued when goals are not met. (8.2.3)
5.5.3) There is no evidence that Top Management communicates 5.4.1 to all levels
- Most often floor employees do not know what the goals are, if they are meeting their goals, how they contribute to meeting the goals
5.6.3) is obvious and completely missed, no action items with responsible person and target date for completion. No follow-up from previous mgt reviews.
6.2 a & d) records of competence, qualification is initial training, competence is continued evaluation after they are initially qualified
7.1 No evidence of items a - d for new or changes to processes
7.5.1 a)
8.2.1) Customer perception is from the customer's point of view. The fact that clients are not complaining or still buying product is not customer perception. Internal measures of OTD and scrap is not customer perception.
8.4 d) there is no data to measure and monitor supplier performance
4.2.2 C Processes are not defined in the Quality Manual. If there are multiple sites involved the interface between the sites are not identified.
4.2.3 b) Document control procedure does not address periodic review and re approval of documents.
4.2.4) Control of records procedure does not address retention time or disposal of quality records.
5.1) Top management (those who have responsibility for profit and loss) do not communicate the importance of meeting customer, and statutory requirements. No records, resp defined, etc..
By far the requirement most often missed are 8.2.1 or 5.4.1) Top management has not established measurable objectives, goals (8.4), and corrective action (8.5.1) is not issued when goals are not met. (8.2.3)
5.5.3) There is no evidence that Top Management communicates 5.4.1 to all levels
- Most often floor employees do not know what the goals are, if they are meeting their goals, how they contribute to meeting the goals
5.6.3) is obvious and completely missed, no action items with responsible person and target date for completion. No follow-up from previous mgt reviews.
6.2 a & d) records of competence, qualification is initial training, competence is continued evaluation after they are initially qualified
7.1 No evidence of items a - d for new or changes to processes
7.5.1 a)
8.2.1) Customer perception is from the customer's point of view. The fact that clients are not complaining or still buying product is not customer perception. Internal measures of OTD and scrap is not customer perception.
8.4 d) there is no data to measure and monitor supplier performance