ISO 9001 Requirements for Education Institutions


dr madhavan

I am looking for information / guidance on application of ISo 9000 requirements to Educational Institutions.


Fully vaccinated are you?
I know quite a few are registered but I haven't seen any substancial discussion here (or anywhere, really) by anyone actually doing (or having done / gone through) such a registration.

Comments, anyone?

dr madhavan

Thanks for the response.
I have gone through some interesting articles published in various Management Journals and the Journals on Quality Assurance - Education.
My further questions:
1. Any institution when started undergoes rigorous inspection and verification by competent authorities before permission is given to run the Institution. If that be the case, what additional help is expected to be derived out of a ISO 900X:1994 / 2000 system?
2.While auditing such a system for an Educational Institution, what is the approach of the Auditors?


Fully vaccinated are you?
> ...1. Any institution when started undergoes rigorous inspection and
> verification by competent authorities before permission is given to
> run the Institution. If that be the case, what additional help is
> expected to be derived out of a ISO 900X:1994 / 2000 system?

If the inspection items in "rigorous inspection and verification by competent authorities" are the same as the ISO requirements, probably none. But I doubt they are the same inspections and verifications.

> 2.While auditing such a system for an Educational Institution, what is the
> approach of the Auditors?

They focus on the ISO part of the equation.

Jim Biz

Interesting - I was just told today by our registrar that we as an ISO registered company will be REQUIRED to evaluate and control any external training source Including accreddited educational institutions under the guise of "external service provider"...

Wondering if this is due to some type of background "push" to include educational institutions in the external audit registration scheme of things??

[This message has been edited by Jim Biz (edited 29 August 2000).]

barb butrym

Quite Involved in Discussions
lots of activity in the "effectivity of training" topics as far as registrars and dod .....and ford/gm/chrysler...i suspect that is at the bottom of it.

Seeing it more and more...and getting asked about my little training company and its plans for getting answer is still "not yet, i am compliant, but not registered"

Go to the site and select the koality kid division links. they specialize in education/schools

[This message has been edited by barb butrym (edited 29 August 2000).]


Fully vaccinated are you?
Originally posted by Jim Biz:
Interesting - I was just told today by our registrar that we as an ISO registered company will be REQUIRED to evaluate and control any external training source Including accreddited educational institutions under the guise of "external service provider"...

Wondering if this is due to some type of background "push" to include educational institutions in the external audit registration scheme of things??
While this isn't really the direction of the original post in this thread, some comments...

This is overflow from QS to some degree. They have required a company to evaluate sub-contractors including those supplying services for some time. It has also been an ISO fringe aspect. I first ran into it in 1996 in ISO so it's not 'totally' new. A company I was consulting for had to justify for the auditor that they had evaluated me (my service). And then the question was "What criteria did you use?" The company responded that their criteria was "...prior successful implementation(s) of ISO 9001..." They cited a reference they contacted, my web site and my lead auditor course certificate as 'acceptable' evidence that I was (am?) qualified to provide them with implementation services. Yes - I was on their Approved Supplier list.

Like with aspects of calibration, the requirement has evolved. It was enough that you calibrated equipment to a NIST traceable satandard 10 years ago. Auditors did not take you to task to show your consideration of aspects such as uncertainty. Heck, few auditors knew (know) what uncertainty is other than in theory. Now measurement analyysis is a 'big' topic.

Another evolution example is the requirement for 4.7 control of customer supplied product which originally was really only addressed in the sense of materials and/or assemblies utilized in the product. Now it includes containers and about everything else.

Jim Biz

Wondering what major/minor differences there are in accrediation criteria vs. ISO ?

Would want to believe that accredidation would cover - effeciency analysis - customer satisfaction issyes etc. - but then again - maybe not..
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