Informational ISO TC 210 IEC SC 62A JWG 1 Medical device risk management – São Paulo meeting 2019


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Um vídeo sobre a reunião em São Paulo do ISO TC 210 IEC SC 62A JWG 1 Aplicação da Gerenciamento de Riscos a Dispositivos Médicos com comentários dos participantes.

A video about the São Paulo meeting of ISO TC 210 IEC SC 62A JWG 1 Application of Risk Manegement to Medical Devices with comments from participants.

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Hazrat Ali

Hi Marcelo,

Thank you for this information

I have managed to locate a draft copy of the new ISO 14971 that is scheduled for release later this year. I cannot however locate a draft copy of the new ISO TR 24971. Would it be possible for you to direct me to a draft copy of this document?


Inactive Registered Visitor

Draft standards are copyrighted documents. ISO does sell copies of draft versions from time to time. they usually do not do that for TRs.


Any news on a release date of the new ISO 14971 and TR 24971 please?
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