"Canned" manuals
While I admit I'm a past customer of Mr. Kanholm's products, I'd advise strongly against trying to use a canned manual for TS2. We teach CB auditors to look at a canned manual as a sign that organizations haven't considered the true intent of the Process Approach. Organizations MUST define the interations of the processes that make up the QMS in their QM, in line with clause 4.1s requirements for identifying the processes that make up the QMS, along with their sequence and interaction.
There is NO requirement to restate the requirements of TS2 in your QM (there never was for QS9K either, but a lot of CB's managed to convince us there was). Hence there's very little benefit to a canned manual that does restate the requirements.
There was a nice long thread on here about QM issues, perhaps the moderator can tell you where it went, there were some good posts in there about the theory and intent of TS2 QMs.