These days I think we have to focus more on the basics of mathematics, reading, understanding, and abstract thought. What is quality but the application of these basic traits?
Youngsters need to know the meaning of words/phrases, how they apply to certain situations, and how to go beyond the written word and use their trained minds to learn how to apply the differing aspects of the various fields in business and quality.
They surely don't need a special course in U.N. (ISO) backed regulations. Who the **** would teach it? Even our current proffesionals have different views on the meaning and content of the systems involved.
Quality is a mindset that comes out of both the family foremost and education. What is quality but doing something the way it is supposed to be done?
Please tell me if I am being too pessemistic (sp) or judgemental, but geez, half the kids coming out of school would have a problem with Green Eggs and Ham let alone reading or understanding a literary work and how it applies to their thought process.
Jaded in Michigan!!!!