IT tools for Knowledge Sharing in a large Organization



Hello everybody,:bigwave:

I don't know if this is the right place to post my question but I'm going to deliver the message anyway as I'm confident that you can either give me your feedback or redirect my question as appropriate.

I work as a Quality Manager in the headquarters of a large multinational company (19000+ people).

One of my department tasks is to collect technical/quality questions from our local quality managers and to offer proper support and answers. Alternatively we can also put them in contact directly if we believe that this can speed up the problem resolution.

Of course we sometimes get the same questions from multiple locations, in different times, and we have to repeat what has already been said.

Therefore I'm looking for an effective way to create a permament knowledge database, in the for of Q&A, readily accessible to all the involved people and where they can either post a question or search for any similar Q&A already made in the past.

As a first tentative I've setup an intenal forum (using Sharepoint 2010). However results are not so good mainly because of the poor user interface and beacuse of the lack of people confidence in the tool itself.

I wonder if somebody have already struggled with this problem and maybe have found a (commercial) solution that works.
I'm thinking of something closer to a group chat (we use MS Lync) but that can be structured by topics as a forum...

Do you have any ideas or experiences to share?
Your feedback is really much appreciated.

Thank you.


Super Moderator
Hi Giuseppe,

How do you currently manage QMS documents?

If folks ask repeat questions about particular aspects of quality, why not edit the relevant QMS document so that the common question doesn't arise?

Are your QMS documents cross-linked into a small world network? Generous contextual inks are extremely useful in order to find knowledge, often better than search.

If you must start a new knowledge base, separate from your QMS tool, I'd recommend a wiki. Chat is nice, but it's better if you can capture folks' tacit knowledge into a repository where it is explicit and available for all. A wiki helps with this, and also helps in weaving a small world network with the captured knowledge.

Finally, you may want to browse Nick Milton's blog ( He has some good articles relevant to your problem.

Good luck!
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