Ken K
The events of 9-11 have rocked this country tremendously. The
tremors caused by the attack have touched us all in one way or another. A pending recession was nudged into reality. The resulting reality being many jobs lost, a slew of chapter 11 filings and the collapse of a energy giant, among others.
The automotive industry has been hit rather hard. Many suppliers can no longer keep the ship upright and some of them and a few OEM’s are closing plants, cutting the workforce, stripping benefits and literally trying to survive.
I was just curious as to how the events have had an effect on your professional lives. Do you wonder, like me, if the day is coming when your told your services are no longer required and to pack up your belongings? Does your job suddenly not feel as secure as it once did?
After 24 years in the automotive sector, I have ridden the roller coaster many times. This time it feels different. You know things are not quite right when your boss asks you to come up with some numbers to “justify” your position within the company. How do you contribute to the bottom line?
Any thoughts and comments? I’d like to hear how everyone else is coping.
tremors caused by the attack have touched us all in one way or another. A pending recession was nudged into reality. The resulting reality being many jobs lost, a slew of chapter 11 filings and the collapse of a energy giant, among others.
The automotive industry has been hit rather hard. Many suppliers can no longer keep the ship upright and some of them and a few OEM’s are closing plants, cutting the workforce, stripping benefits and literally trying to survive.
I was just curious as to how the events have had an effect on your professional lives. Do you wonder, like me, if the day is coming when your told your services are no longer required and to pack up your belongings? Does your job suddenly not feel as secure as it once did?
After 24 years in the automotive sector, I have ridden the roller coaster many times. This time it feels different. You know things are not quite right when your boss asks you to come up with some numbers to “justify” your position within the company. How do you contribute to the bottom line?
Any thoughts and comments? I’d like to hear how everyone else is coping.