Just venting


The note I cannot/will not send to my sister...

Twelve frelling years. That is how long its been since I've seen my niece & nephew. Since you, my dren-for-brains-sister, decided to disown me. I still don't even know why. How is it you - the self-righteous narrow-minded so-called-christian - can justify holding a grudge for 12 years and never even letting me know what in particular or imagined slight you are pissed about?? We had words at Gram's funeral - but us having words is no new thang. In the past 2 years facebook has allowed me some smidgen of reconnection with niece & nephew. Even occasionally you. So when I received an invite to my nephew's graduation I naturally made travel plans, thinking you'd grown up enough to get over whatever hesmanagh you'd been hanging on to. Silly me. Now you want to rescind the invite, telling me it was just so I'd send a nice gift. Too frelling bad, sis! Ticket is already paid for. So you can take a long nap on a train track and come back as a flea on a sasquatch for all I care. I will be there to see my niece and nephew. You can just pretend you don't know me - I'm so done with you, BUN tyen-shung duh ee-DWAY-RO.
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