Key Performance Indices in Service Companies


Randy Stewart

Thanks Jim

Yep, that's the one.
Mike stated:
I believe, because so many so-called Managers and Leaders don't exercise common decency and good business sense!

I agree Mike. For the most part I don't think (especially in today's economy) that people come to work to see how they can screw the company, how many bad parts can I get shipped out today. But due to the over emphasis on deliveries they get hounded by these poor managers/supervisors. Most of whom have made it to their position by longevity, who they know or their performance at a lower level. Not necessarily by the managing skills.
As long as the employee knows that they can rely on the process to produce good parts, or that some one will listen when the process fails, I believe you have a fairly secure individual. Too often I have seen where an above average employee is beaten into submission by a substandard process. They either get fed up and give up the fight or they keep getting blamed for not keeping up or poor quality.

Mike S.

Happy to be Alive
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What really blows me away, worse than poorly-performing employees, is poorly performing owners. I recently needed to get an estimate on some construction work. In addition to calling someone I knew I called 2 other places and e-mailed 1, all of which had current ads in the newspaper -- so I assume they were looking for work.

One never responded to my e-mail at all.

One had someone answer the phone "hello". When I mentioned the construction angle she said "I just work here, you'll have to call back and let it ring and then leave a message on the machine and the owner will call you back". Huh? Who would let someone like that answer their phone???

One that I called I had to leave a message on a machine which did not mention the company, just "you have reached xxx-xxxx leave a mesage". When he (the owner) called me back he sounded half asleep. When he came to do the estimate he did not introduce himself to me or my wife, just assumed I knew who he was I suppose, gave no business card or brochure, and was a boring, blah, drab, no-energy guy who seemed about as enthused to be there as a CEO relegated to cleaning toilets! Think he'll get the job even if his price is lowest? No way.

I don't get it...
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