KPI for Quality Assurance Team in a Service Oriented Industry


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We are Quality Assurance team in a Service-oriented industry, where our primary role is to detect defects in types of services delivered (tickets/calls) as per the client specification and/or internal guidelines.In addition, we do complaint/feedback analysis from any of the customer touchpoints and submit an overall summary of identified gaps along with actions.
I seek help to define KPIs for individual members in the team performing above roles. Here are few of them.
1. Target / Volume
2. Timeliness / Accuracy

Please suggest any other. Is putting Quality score target (which is for other departments) can be also put as one of the KPI targets for quality department. If so how it will be ensured the audits are not biased towards in favor of the department in achieving target, also how we can say it is justified when the onus of the actions based on the feedback lies within the operations and quality department acts as enabler/support system.

Jen Kirley

Quality and Auditing Expert
I am sorry for the delay in this response.

What do you do that helps others in your organization succeed?

Are there projects or initiatives with deliverables, designed to help improve the organization?

The KPI should be something that the group it represent can immediately control. It is a measure of their effectiveness at accomplishing their tasks. That said, it is true there could be contributing factors to success (who is an island in their organization?) but it should represent something that group is directly responsible for. If that is a shared KPI with another group because this is part of a team, so be it.

Bias is more or less inherent, and as such difficult to control. If the organization has eliminated fear ((broken link removed) 8th point) and has a constancy of purpose (his 5th point) then the organization could, I hope, examine itself honestly so KPIs can merely be indicators and not cause for unproductive management responses and avoid "management by numbers" (his 10th point). If a KPI is missed, the question ought not to be "What is wrong with you?" but rather "How can we improve this?

It is always possible the KPI's target is not realistic. I will never wear a size 8 dress, no matter what.

KPIs should therefore represent the extent that barriers to success have been removed. Volume might work if it represents removing inefficiencies that slow down production with non-value-added activities, therefore allowing more work to be done in that time frame. Timeliness can work the same way, representing the ability to accomplish without impediments.

I hope this helps!


Trusted Information Resource
" NOTE: KPI should be something that the group it represents can control. It is a measure of effectiveness at accomplishing this task.

It is always possible that a KPI goal is not realistic. KPIs should represent the extent that barriers to success have been removed. "

As for the dress size, I've been unable to find a style that looks good on me, so the size is a secondary issue. Perhaps if I got one of those Nordstrom personal shoppers, and lowered my expectations considerably. :lol:



Perhaps number of Repititive issues can serve as KPI as well. E.g.

a. Complaint received from customers
b. Problem analysed, root cause identified and corrective actions taken. (Process enhanced)

Now, after process enhancement/change; same complaint shouldn't apear again.

Also, complaints classes can be defined as Class A, B & C to show severity of issue and its resolution with different timeline.

Class A: Critical complaints depicting major issues in service process
Class B: Major complaints depicting breach of major part of process/bypassing process
Class C: Repititive complaints with known root causes and corrective actions.

These are just ideas which may help.

Ghulam Mustafa

John Broomfield

Super Moderator
How’s this for service:

'Selfieccino' - Putting your face on a coffee - BBC News

Saves having to give your name to the barista while further personalizing your beverage.

These days the greatest improvement opportunities may arise from refocusing your company’s management system on designing and delivering services which may of may not include a product.

Does anyone think this subject is worthy of its own thread?
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