Jeopardy is one game that I used during my ISO training:
Get some index cards and write the categories that tie into your scope of training. If your covering ISO it could be something a long the lines of:
-Quality Objectives & Policy
-Non Conforming Material
-Corrective Actions
-The Quality System
-Document Control
-And one fun one “The lighter side of ISO”
Put the $ amount on back of the large index card – and tape or Velcro to a board. Separate the class into two teams. Give each team a bell, and flip a coin on who is going to pick the first category…”Non Conforming mat. for $300.00”. Keep score and buy some gag gifts to give to the winning team.
Everybody has to answer in the form of a question.
Mark, Identify, Segregate
What do you do with Nonconforming material?
Hope this helps, I’ll try to find the guidelines I wrote up for this game …oh I almost forgot I also have a game called “Team Feud” just like family feud, I’ll try to find that one too.