Looking for Quality Games - Manufacturing environment



Can you recommend a resource (website, company, telephone, etc.) that sells Quality Games? Playing games in a learning environment is one of the best ways for our employees to understand. I am looking for a wide array of quality related games. Does anyone have a resource/vendor or specific games you would recommend for a manufacturing environment? I checked ASQ and could not find anything.


ISO Cheesy

Jeopardy is one game that I used during my ISO training:

Get some index cards and write the categories that tie into your scope of training. If your covering ISO it could be something a long the lines of:

-Quality Objectives & Policy
-Non Conforming Material
-Corrective Actions
-The Quality System
-Document Control
-And one fun one “The lighter side of ISO”

Put the $ amount on back of the large index card – and tape or Velcro to a board. Separate the class into two teams. Give each team a bell, and flip a coin on who is going to pick the first category…”Non Conforming mat. for $300.00”. Keep score and buy some gag gifts to give to the winning team.

Everybody has to answer in the form of a question.
Mark, Identify, Segregate

What do you do with Nonconforming material?

Hope this helps, I’ll try to find the guidelines I wrote up for this game …oh I almost forgot I also have a game called “Team Feud” just like family feud, I’ll try to find that one too.


REDBEAD Experiment game available www.redbead.com

One excellent game with lots of written and video materials to support it is the Dr. Deming RED BEAD Experiement

Do a Google search for RED BEAD Experiement

Purchase game at: www.redbead.com

I am happy to answer specific questions on how to use the game in your training sessions.

Regards, Mike Johnson, General manager,
Patricia LTD


Val said:
Can you recommend a resource (website, company, telephone, etc.) that sells Quality Games? Playing games in a learning environment is one of the best ways for our employees to understand. I am looking for a wide array of quality related games.

Many registrars' audits set good examples :lol:
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