Maintaining Process Control


Tom Goetzinger

Our interpretation, which our Lead Auditor agreed with, was that all of QS9000 4.9.2 was replaced by the requirements in TE 4.9.2.

Tom Goetzinger

Dan De Yarman

What of 4.9.2 applies to us? The TE Supplement states, 'Replace the "PPAP" found in QS-9000 with the Machinery Qualification Runoff Requirements...' It does not state, "This section replaces the QS-9000..." Does this mean that the Cpk/Ppk requirements are still valid? Does this mean we have to record tool change and machine repair on the control charts?

It seems to me that this is another one of those requirements that apply, but don't make sense to a custom machinery builder.

Thanks for your help,

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