Management Representative - Shall appoint a member of the suppliers own management



Management Representative

ISO 9001 Clause Management Representative. " The supplier management with executive responsibility shall appoint a membeer of the supplier own management who......"
Can the MR is an Engineer or non manager level ?
In a small company where there is a MD, with 2 or 3 supervisor, engineers, Could the MD apoint the Engineer as MR?


Fully vaccinated are you?
You should be able to wiggle it through. The questions which come up include how you ensure the MR has direct access to upper management and definition of the authority the MR has. The bitch will come with the definition of what management is both in your company and in the spec - but then that is, I suspect, the reason for your post. You might argue that while the person is an engineer working under a manager, s/he is management in the position of MR. You're sitting on a fence, but hey - as long as the MR is effective... And you can prove it...

Let's hear from some of the others on this. So far I have not personally worked with a company which did not have someone with a 'manager' title annointed as MR.

Kevin Mader

One of THE Original Covers!
I think you hit it on the head Marc. Effectiveness is the key.

In looking at my organization, I would have to say that many folks, on various levels, command the attention of executive managers. The same is probably true of all organizations. The key in MR selection is to be sure that the MR has the ability to circumvent normal chains of command (in regards the Quality System) without reprisal. This candidate should have the understanding of his/her boss that in situations concerning the QS, their approval or comments may not be sought out. This may cause a feather or two to be ruffled, but I suppose that frequency of this type of event will wane over time and be inconsequential.

On the other hand, the candidate should not fear engaging senior level management either. If an engineer is selected, do they have the rapport necessary to be effective with senior managers? It comes down to effectiveness. Get over this obstacle (with objective evidence) then you have a winner!



Bill M

I've found that unless the management representative has a peer relationship to those responsible for other aspects of the quality system, e.g. purchasing manager, H.R. Mgr., that sometimes it is difficult to get issues resolved. A compromise is to "appoint" an engineer to be the "QS or ISO coordinator" and have the manager retain the title of management representative. To a registrar the MR must also have the authority to signoff on contractual changes asssociated with the audit. If availability of the person designated the MR is the issue, you could also designate an "alternate MR", typically another manager or higher level executive. Consult your registrar to see if that would be an option.


Fully vaccinated are you?
Originally posted by Bill M:
I've found that unless the management representative has a peer relationship to those responsible for other aspects of the quality system, e.g. purchasing manager, H.R. Mgr., that sometimes it is difficult to get issues resolved. A compromise is to "appoint" an engineer to be the "QS or ISO coordinator" and have the manager retain the title of management representative.

I've seen this several times. I'm not convinced it's a satisfactory answer - but I have seen a few companies 'get away with it'. I've seen it work and I've seen it as a joke. Your point is well taken, Bill.

[This message has been edited by Marc Smith (edited 30 December 1999).]

barb butrym

Quite Involved in Discussions
I agree Marc...seen both. The key I think is respect...of the system and of the person. Depends on so many variables.

But hell..if ya try it and it doesn't work...change it.....
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