Informational Manufacturer Incident Report (MIR) for Serious Incidents (MDR/IVDR) and Incidents (MDD/IMDD/IVDD)


Manufacturers with CE Marking shall update their procedures and forms.

Fabricantes com Marcação CE devem atualizar seus procedimentos e formulários.

Hi all,

I am new to "the cave" and want to thank everybody for the things I already learned as a "ghost reader". Now it is time to share my knowledge and ask my own question, that is why I signed in.

Regarding the new incident form: Is it already mandatory? Are there any transitional periods? Did anyone discover changes in the coding (compared to the FDA codes)?

Thank you all


Hi all (cove not cave),

any news regarding this topic? I am still confused when to start using this new medical incident form sheet.

Thank you all


Trusted Information Resource
If you visit the listing for the MedDev guidances at you'll find that while it's available from January 2019, it seems to become mandatory as of January 2020.

New MIR form - as from January 2019
New manufacturer incident report (from 1 January 2019)
New manufacturer incident report helptext
New manufacturer incident report (for implementation in manufacturers databases before January 2020)


Thanks for the replies.
This is showing exactly my dilemma. Yes, I know that date of application is May next year. Yes, I know that it seems to become mandatory January 2020. But which date is the correct one?
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