Recently, I've taken my second company through ISO registration. It was the normal kind of nightmare: to walk into a company with 45 days to achieve registration with 18 noncons to deal with from the previous QMR, who is now in lots of trouble with RAB.
The purpose behind registration for this company was to obtain international business. The business it is adding, however, is an additional product. Its 7.3 & 7.4 functions will remain independent from us. How do I do this? I mean, if we're not purchasing parts, qualifying suppliers or performing the D&D, how do we deal with nonconformances? What aspects of the process do I contain and define within the system? How do I draw the line? I'm a bit intimidated, can you help?
The purpose behind registration for this company was to obtain international business. The business it is adding, however, is an additional product. Its 7.3 & 7.4 functions will remain independent from us. How do I do this? I mean, if we're not purchasing parts, qualifying suppliers or performing the D&D, how do we deal with nonconformances? What aspects of the process do I contain and define within the system? How do I draw the line? I'm a bit intimidated, can you help?