Trolle said:
If I’m not mistaken,
5S can be good tool, fundamental for implementing any form of TPM. However it seems to be somewhat of an overkill to implement it in a manufacturing site with just two employees, (well motivated).
I don't see how this can qualify as an opportunity for overkill. When I perform a 5S audit, I pretend I'm a Customer walking around a potential Vendor. Are ceiling tiles free from water stains? Is the floor clean? Are desk predominently uncluttered? It's good business practice to have a clean and orderly work's not only more effective, but safer, too!
When we first implemented 5S, there were a few people groaning at the concept of cleaning up and always putting things back in the same place. I countered with questions like, "Do you put your kitchen utensils back the same place every night?", "Do you return the butter or margarine to the fridge?"...we '5S' in our homes without calling it that. Why should our work environment be any different?
Trolle said:
Nevertheless, in order get some sort of sallying point for TPM concept I still would like to kick start with a local mini variant of 5S. My problem is this; how much mini can you go and still qualify as a 5S thingy?
It's your system, make it work for you. There is no Standard with detailed requirements to "meet" my knowledge. And obviously a 5S programme in an office environment will have different criteria than that of a manufacturing location. You can go as "mini" or as "large" as you would like...just make it work for you...get the benefits from it. If you don't believe it, you can't sell it to others.
I've attached a copy of our 5S checklist that we use when doing an audit. My organization is big on Visual Managment....lots of colour to show "at a glance" how we're doing. The checklist, once completed, is coloured for each 'S' and then an overall colour at the bottom (along with the score).
To help get 'buy in', for the first year, a green score must be >= 70%. Next year, we'll audit a bit tougher and a score of >=75% must be attained; the year after that 80%...eventually, we'll probably require a score of >=95% in order to be green.