I received a new gage in and noticed the cert said it had to be adjusted into tolerance. While looking into that I found that they state the PD was increased by 0.00090" while the Minor was decreased by 0.00090" This calibration house previously would not list the tolerance for the minor on the cert and began doing so upon our request as a note saying: "MINOR DIAMETER reported as is. ASME B1.2 tolerance is .0007 in." (tolerance is for this gage, a 1-8 UNC 2A threaded ring gage).
My question is: Is the minor size tolerance critical or required to be accurate? This lab is listed as A2LA accredited and we require that they conform to ISO 17025. These gages are being used on industrial grade fasteners.
<edit> Just found a thread that answered my question. Apparently on nogo ring gages the minor is not testing anything so is not critical.
The thread is listed below but I can not post links yet, it could be a Hormel meat product.
My question is: Is the minor size tolerance critical or required to be accurate? This lab is listed as A2LA accredited and we require that they conform to ISO 17025. These gages are being used on industrial grade fasteners.
<edit> Just found a thread that answered my question. Apparently on nogo ring gages the minor is not testing anything so is not critical.
The thread is listed below but I can not post links yet, it could be a Hormel meat product.
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