OASIS: IAQG Auditor Reporting




Can some one throw some light on this?When you open the OASIS, you find this new feature on top left hand.Once you open this,you get some data related to audit non conformities.My questions are
1.How it is maintained?
2.How the data is processed?
3.Objective of this provsion?
4.Can others see my data?


Sidney Vianna

Post Responsibly
OASIS allows for different levels of access. Depending on your relationship to the ICOP Scheme, you are granted a level and the features you have access to.
When I log on to OASIS, I don't see the feature you are inquiring about. The OASIS update communications log provides for information on the new released features.



Can some one throw some light on this?When you open the OASIS, you find this new feature on top left hand.Once you open this,you get some data related to audit non conformities.My questions are
1.How it is maintained?
2.How the data is processed?
3.Objective of this provsion?
4.Can others see my data?


In my opinion:
1. It's maintained by the auditor or by the auditor's company,but the auditor perform important role.
2. The data will be coordinated after your audit by the auditor.
3. It is 'provsion' or 'provision'? If 'provision', yes, at least almost. Because the results are performed by the auditor,and there may be few problem with he/she.
4. Your customer will check your data from OASIS and make some decision or do others actions. So an us.

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