Objectives of manufacturing - Monitoring and measurement of processes



My company was done pre-audit TS 16949 recently and found some discrepancies. One of them we want to know example of objectives for manufacturing process reliability, maintainability and availability ( Refer to ISO/TS 16949, Monitoring and measurement of manufacturing processes )
Any suggestion would be appreciated.

Best regards,


The objectives for manufacturing process per may be as following
- Reliability: MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures)
- Maintainability: MTTR (Mean Time To Repair)
- Avaibility is calculated from MTBF and MTTR, [MTBF/(MTBF+MTTR)]

The manufacturing process may be obtained from any (new) equipment, machinery and tool you've made.

Any more questions, you may give me your email and tel. number then we can discuss in deep detail (I'm in BKK).


Thanks for your information. I have sent private message to you for my phone number and e-mail address.
Best regards,

Atul Khandekar

Don't just keep it between the two of you!;) We would also like to benefit from your discussions...:bigwave:


We just want to know how to calculate MTBF and MTTR. Are there any other objective of manufacturing to meet this requirement? Shall we apply to all machines and equipments process?

Thanks :bigwave:


Eqipment Effectiveness

Reference to R&M guideline (SAE)

Maintainability is a characteristic of design , installation and operation , usually expressed as the probability that a machine can be retained in ,or restored to, specified operable condition within a specified interval or time when maintenace is performed in accordance with prescribed procedures

MTTR = Sum (downtime for repair)
number of repairs

Reliability is the probability that machinery/equipment can perform continuously, without failure, for a specified interval of time when operating under stated conditions

MTBF = Total running time
number of failures

Availability is a measure of the degree to which machinery/equipment is in an operable and committable state at any point in time. Specifically, the percent of time that machinery/equipment will be operable when needed.

Availability = MTBF

I hope that this glossary and formula will help you more understand and can be applied easily at your processes.

If you need more information , can contact me at
[email protected]


objective setting

and more for objective of manufacturing

how to set goal for manufacturing effectivenes ?

There are several way may be used for objective setting as following

- Use existing equipment as minimum level of acceptance (goal for new machine should be better than existing machine)
- Benchmarking , depend on available information (may be from world class company , parent factory , competitor etc. )
- Company policy , according to business plan , productivity and quality target which need to improve manufacturing effectiveness.

the require that your objective will be use as acceptance criteria for all new manufacturing and will be use for evaluating manufacturing process capability and performance.

Then ensure that objectives shall be met and maintainable in accoding to setting goals and as specifed by customer




Thanks very much for your assistance. Firstly we would start to implement these only for key equipment.

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