one misspell word in ISO 17025



There is one misspell or mistype in ISO 17025 standard. Where is the word?:bigwave: :agree:

David Mullins

Am I in the innocuous question website today instead of the XXX Cove?


It is a funny thing to think.

Yes, the standard should clean and correct. I use this question as a game to stimulate the audiences. Do you find the word? Who will be the winner?:bigwave:


One misspell word of ISO 17025

I have told the member of ISO in Thailand that where is the word misspell.

Do you find where?

Aaron Lupo

Re: One misspell word of ISO 17025

s_warin said:

I have told the member of ISO in Thailand that where is the word misspell.

Do you find where?

Not that it is really important but are you going to let us know, or is this something you are going to keep to yourself?

Ravi Khare

No! I give up. Where?

Not that it is really important but are you going to let us know, or is this something you are going to keep to yourself?

O come on guys, you don't want to end such interesting threads so fast, do you?

Ryan Wilde

Okay, I have tired of the thread, so here are a FEW errors(English Version):

1) judgement should be spelled judgment;
2) initialled should be spelled initialed;
3) wordprocessing is two words;
4) labelled should be spelled labeled;
5) fulfil should be spelled fulfill;
6) fulfilment should be fulfillment.

These, however, may be correct in Britain (we also don't spell programme or behaviour the same). I live in the USA and speak/write a derivative of the actual language, so I have no idea, nor concern, as to the accuracy of the above list.

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