Outsourced Internal Audit requirements for Aerospace Suppliers


On Holiday
Management reviews? we don't need any stinking management reviews.
Many organizations already did something similar to management review. Not so with internal audits.
Using automotive quality as an example, we are light years ahead of where we were two decades ago.
You must not have accessed this data https://pages.stericycleexpertsolut...utions - 2020 Recall Index - US Edition 2.pdf
Let's not conflate employment terms ( full time, part time, short term, long term, etc....) with service providers. As offered by the OP, they want to outsource internal audit to an outside vendor. Nowhere it was mentioned that they want to employ someone part-time as an internal auditor. BTW, many aerospace CB's offer to perform first party audits for organizations they are not involved with, in terms of certification. Obviously CB's are accredited and that would answer one of the OP's first questions in this thread.
Huh? The question is HOW WOULD ANYONE KNOW WHO IS A CONTRACTOR? The OP wants a good audit. Why does it matter how the person gets paid? BTW CB auditors are often contractors I believe. Do they have to jump through hoops to be applied?
The difference here is that AS9100 has no requirements for training, per se. But it does have for internal audits, a mandatory process, which cannot be excluded from the QMS.
You are missing the point. We're talking about WHO does the training//auditing and their relationship. My guess is it doesn't suit your narrative to address training contractors, like AIAG, and countless others as "outsourced services"...
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