Originally posted by Ken B.
I do have one more question. When I print these documents the approval section is not signed. I do keep a master copy of all documents. if the master document is signed is that good enough? will this pass an audit? This is my last stumbling block ( I hope) Thanks.
Ken, I think that this depends a lot on what your procedure says (or will say after revision
) and as our astute colleague pointed out, if there are regulatory requirements for a signature; and maybe also what program you are using as your electronic file.
If you are using a word processer you can 1) revise your form to read "closed by" instead of "signature" and state that the name of the person responsible for closing out the CAR will be entered to show who was responsible, 2) get rid of that "box" on your form all together, 3) print your final copy and have it signed as you stated.
If you are using a database, why not just make sure that your field titles do not lead anyone to believe there should be a "signature" and make sure that your procedure doesn't say that there are copies that are signed off? (depending upon your industry and the regs)
To make a long story short, whatever works best for you will work for the auditors as long as everyone using the system knows how the process works (and nobody ever says "I didn't do that!)