PFMEA Detection Evaluation Criteria - Visual Check - Page 52 of the AIAG FMEA manual



Please clarify following issue:

page 52 of the FMEA manual, 3 rd edition – column “Current Process Control Detection” states the following:

“Visual check each hour 1/shift for film thickness (depth meter) and coverage”
The detection ranking is 5
Current process control is – preventive maintenance program to maintain heads

Page 53, table 8 of the same manual lists Ranking 5 as Moderate, Inspection type B, which corresponds to gauging (B)

It is confusing to me – example on page 52 uses VISUAL CHECK, while table 8 describes ranking 5 as follows:
“Control is based on variable gauging after parts have left the station, or Go/No Go gauging performed on 100% of the parts after parts have left the station.

Please clarify this issue. Also please elaborate what is considered
“ERROR PROOFED” – process/product design ……….


Good morning and welcome to the cove.
I think what they are describing is and this might be a stretch,is:
visually check the spray head each hour to verify that it is fully inserted; once per shift, using a depth meter, check film thickness and coverage.
The rating of 5 is based on the use of the depth meter.

Error proofing is the act of taking action to prevent ( or help prevent)an error. In the case of the spray head a positive stop was added. An electric switch could also be added so that a light would turn on/off when the head was properly seated.

Do a search,here at the cove, for error proofing, mistake proofing and you will find several threads that on this topic.
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