Regarding pfmea and cp, My background knowledge is as follows.
1.Operation step in the pfmea should be based on pfd.
2. Function requirement and failure mode is relatated to product characteristic
and failure cause is related to process characteristic. Regarding this there are some
different method, but i would like to put product characteristic as a requirement and failure mode.
So my question is, Suppose that process operation step is as follows.
010 Welding
010-5 Position and secure part into fixture.
010-10 confirm setting (current and voltage)
010-15 push weld start button
010-20 take out part from fixture
010-25 Inspect weld quality.
If focused process step is high level operation like welding, Defineing product chractersistic is not difficult.
One of the product charactersistic is pull out force after welding.
But if focused step is low level like confirm setting, What is product charactersistic and process requirement?
I think there is only process chracteristic in this operation.
Consider that requirement should be product characteristic as i wrote ealier.
Please help me.
Thank you in advance.
Regarding pfmea and cp, My background knowledge is as follows.
1.Operation step in the pfmea should be based on pfd.
2. Function requirement and failure mode is relatated to product characteristic
and failure cause is related to process characteristic. Regarding this there are some
different method, but i would like to put product characteristic as a requirement and failure mode.
So my question is, Suppose that process operation step is as follows.
010 Welding
010-5 Position and secure part into fixture.
010-10 confirm setting (current and voltage)
010-15 push weld start button
010-20 take out part from fixture
010-25 Inspect weld quality.
If focused process step is high level operation like welding, Defineing product chractersistic is not difficult.
One of the product charactersistic is pull out force after welding.
But if focused step is low level like confirm setting, What is product charactersistic and process requirement?
I think there is only process chracteristic in this operation.
Consider that requirement should be product characteristic as i wrote ealier.
Please help me.
Thank you in advance.