Planning For ISO 14001 Implementation


Mark Jaine

I am in the process of creating a web-based tool for planning for ISO 14001. I would like to provide the user with an interactive tool which will provide some forsight to the project they have in front of them. I will be requesting information such as company size, industry, scope, timetable and available resources. In return I would like to generate a financial overview of implementation, resource requirements, assistance selecting a registrar/consultant, and possible the implementation steps that should be executed by Top Management.

I have information to provide for timetables, as well as selecting a registrar/consultant.

I am looking for any assistance in how to project financial requirements of implementation, as well as any other suggestions of what information would be valuable to someone getting started for the first time with ISO.



Fully vaccinated are you?
Maybe one of the other folks can help. I haven't done an ISO14001 implementation. From my ISO and QS experience - well, you have an interseting task ahead.

Maybe one of ISO14001 fluent folks can shed some light for you. Sorry I can't help personally.


1. Cost of documentation audit
2. Cost of initial audit
3. Cost of surveillance audits for three years
4. Positive "costs"
a. Projected amount to be saved from epa fines (some companies budget for fines).
b. Projected amount saved from disposal.
c. Projected amount saved in packaging if you go to returnables rather than cardboard.
d. Projected amount saved in reduced permitting for air, water, sewage, etc...
e. Projected amount saved on utility bills.

Hope this helps.



Super Moderator
Does anybody know this Mark Jaine?

Does anybody have a good implementation shecdule? I doing a proposal and I'm stuck in the area between the Gap and Registration Audits. I've got down awareness training for all and the internal auditor training times, but it's the other stuff I'm stuck on.

I'm looking at a no more than 12 month and preferably 6-9 month implementation.

In the past I've normally worked off of the schedule the client drew up and modified it as we went along. This time I need to do one in advance.

I appreciate it guys

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I not sure if this is what you have in mind. But I started with a basic MS project schedule. I started with the very basic step of a company wide introduction to the standard, then added in the up-front trainong for auditors. (I still haven't completed auditor or lead auditor training for myself).
The area between the gap analysis and the Stage 1/2 audits was filled with the requirements of each element of the standard and what I learned from the gap analysis,i.e, the various procrdures that could be revised to fit with the standard.
The schedule was set for 12 months, actual completion and notification of registration was 10 months.
The driver for the schedule was the registration date. During the quoting process I was informed by our registrar that they needed a minimum six month notice for the audit. This was primarily due to a lack of qualified auditors.
Also be prepared to revise your schedule at least on a weekly basis due to people traveling,off sick, too busy to talk, etc.
Include in your schedule the Stage I audit. I did, primarily because I did not have any formal traing in the standard. The stage I is a very basic overview of the process, but the good thing is that you can get answers to your questions that you can't get during a stage II audit.
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