PPAP for Importers - Midsized Fastener Importer / Distributor



We are a midsized Fastener Importer/distributor who sells to tier 1 auto suppliers
when we are asked for PPAP lvl 3 by our customer is this something that we can do ourselves (we do not Manufacture anything , although all goods are completely tested before reciept for Conformity to Fastener standards ) or is this something that can only be done by the actual Manufacturer of the Fastener (whois a2la and iso registered) is it possible to PPAP in reverse, ie we have stock on parts that i have a RFQ on that were not ppap'd by Manufacturer at the time as it was not a requirement.
Forgive my ignorance of the PPAP procedure , it is something that we (I ) are just beginning to learn and would like to know if the product that is currently in house is sellable?

Howard Atkins

Forum Administrator
I beleive that the manufacturer should provide the PPAP.
Talk to them and ask them.
Also talk to your customer and explain the situation and ask what he really wants.
This is the best way.
If you think he is making unecessary demands then come back to us and we will try to help.

Bill Ryan - 2007


Welcome to the Cove!!

It's like pulling teeth sometimes, but I have required my suppliers to submit a "PPAP" to me. I have had to walk a couple of them through it, but I also explain my position to them and they have all come through.

A couple of issues with you performing the PPAP (from my experiences):
1) Dimensional/Test results are to be on the "letterhead" of the company performing the measurements

2) If there are KPCs or F/F characteristics for the fasteners, are you going to do the capability studies or do you expect your suppliers to prove capability? ("No brainer" where my suppliers are concerned.)

3) How would you address the "Cause" column in the FMEA since it is not your process?

It sounds as if you haven't broached this with your suppliers. Perhaps it isn't as big a deal to them as you might think. With QS having been around for "so long", I guess I'm thinking that a fastener manufacturer may have been "down the road" already.

As far as the stock you have on hand, I agree with Howard - talk to your customer and try to work something out with them. The one thing to remember is that your customer is a "Tier 1" and has his hands pretty much tied.

Having said all that - Just remember that there always options......



Thank you so much for your help
getting the PPAP on items from suppliers, for the most part as you said is relatively easy, most of our manufacturers are well aware of the PPAp system.
I was more concerned with standard parts that we would already have in house ie common hex caps like 1/4 x 1 that we would already have 100 000 in stock, when we are asked to quote on
100 000 would we be able to use those or have to get new ones made.
is starting to get clearer now :)
I was hoping that there was a way after the fact for a distributer/importer to have them PPAP'ed as we have all the Mill certs etc. and not have to carry Double inventory.
thanks again, and i have really enjoyed the forum ,already learned alot
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