Pre-Audit Panic Mode - ISO9001


Jimmy Olson

We have officially entered panic mode. Our audit has been confirmed for mid October. I thought I would warn everyone that I will probably be flooding the forum with lots of questions between now and then. :D
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Richard - turn off the panic mode - I am sure you will be fine. Don't be afraid to ask if you have a problem.

Good luck on your audit.


Aaron Lupo

Oh no!!! October and you are just starting to panic now!!! Just kidding Richard, like Dave said no reason to panic, I am sure your system is fine. Any questions you have ask away! If you dont mind me asking what Registrar are you using?


Super Moderator

Don't sweat it. Just keep fine tuning what you have and try to have plenty of verifiable evidence (the good kind) to support the audit process.

Too bad you didn't say something sooner. I'm flying in to SeaTac on the 12th and out on the 13th.

Al Dyer

Is this your first audit experience? Keep cool and spike the auditors coffee before the opening meeting!:bigwave:



All the best to you. if your company has been employing good business practice, you will not have any problems. Feel free to ask any questions. I find this forum to be the best place to knock at.

Jimmy Olson

Thank you for the support so far. I'm trying to decide whether I should panic or not since a couple managers have decide if we don't pass we can always fall back on our old cert. :rolleyes:

This is sort of my first audit. I've been in the calibration field for a number of years and have gone through several audits in that area, but this is the first one in a manufacturing facility. I'm still new here (about 1 1/2 months) so I should be off the hook for anything. :vfunny: But at the same time a lot of people here are new and I'm supposedly the ISO expert :confused: (we're in trouble).

In reality I don't think it will be too bad. All the basics are in place and just need some tweaking. The reason some people are in panic mode is because we were thinking the audit would be at the end of November or early December and we found out today that it's mid October. Oh well, I'll be sure to keep all of you updated. :D

p.s. Randy - I can't remember if you're still in Spokane. If you are, you have some serious rain heading your way (we just had a pretty big storm come through here). Just thought I would warn you.


Super Moderator
Thanks, but I'm back in CA now. I'm going to Ft. Lewis next week to do some work, so I might actually see some rain then.

M Greenaway


Dont panic.

Panic in two months time !

(he he - sorry)

Randy Stewart

What's the big deal?????

I do fine until 2 weeks prior. Then everyone has a change to be put in, started a new process and forgot to tell me, etc. etc. It's when no one hits panic mode that bothers me, because either they don't have a clue as to what is going on or they just don't care.

I know how you feel though, we opened a new facility, doing a totally different business, in January and had our TE-9000 certification in March. It can be done!!!!

Best regards and bring on the questions.
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