The triggering point to initiate Corrective action could therefore include
Reactive elements)
Customer complaints
Non conformity reports
Internal Audit reports
other relevant analysis of Data(8.4)
Can we say that these inputs can never trigger a preventive action and therefore triggering points for
preventive actions should be entirely different such as : (Pro-active elements)
outputs from design review
Review of customer needs and expectations
lessons learned from past
Proa-actively fixed Quality objectives with smart targets
Management Reviews
Customer perception survey results
FMEA analysis
This means the procedure for 8.5.2 Corrective action and that for Preventive action 8.5.3
have to be entirely different in its approach.
As per clause 8.5.2 Organisation shall take action to eliminate the cause of nonconformities in order to prevent recurrence.
Can we not say in a generic sense that the cause of any non conformity be due to any one of the following case:
Ambiguity in System
Lack of system
Lack of effective processes
Weakness in the interaction of Processes
Lack of Training
Lack of Motivation
Sheer indiscipline
In such cases taking action to eliminate causes indicated above(generic in nature) as a corrective action is the
expectation of the standard as per 8.5.2.