Preventive and Predictive Maintenance - Information on procedures relating to 4.9.g.1


Michael Garnsey

We are implementing a preventive and predictive maintenance plan for our automotive product lines. I was wondering if anyone had any advice, or could point me towards a good source of information on procedures relating to 4.9.g.1


Roger Eastin

I agree with Marc. You will also want to include something on predictive maintenance. Do you do fluid checks or IR checks of heat-sensitive components? Do you track/ optimize up-time?


Fully vaccinated are you?
You're right, Roger - I forgot the predictive part of the requirement.


Fully vaccinated are you?
Main points:

You system can be centralized or distributed.

Set up a database (or other substitute such as a spreadsheet) and list your equipment and make a schedule (calendar) based upon it. Then follow the schedule.

You must have a list or procedure (criteria to act upon) for each piece of complex equipment. This can be the equipment manual or manufacturer's recommendation - but must be a document with criteria. Some folks categorize some equipment in a way where certain equipment gets a 'standard' PM.

You must have evidence that each PM is performed. If you miss or delay PMs, you must be ready to explain why and the effect upon your PM program and on the equipment.

Verifying/validating the PM system should be part of your internal audits.

You must show that you have critical parts available for critical manufacturing equipment and have a plan for breakdowns (ability to continue production). Be ready to explain your threshold for catastrophy vs normal (expected) failures: ie.: You cannot plan for everything but most you can plan for. Plan with respect to availability of parts from suppliers. Consideration of production schedule loading may be discussed.

There is software available.

[This message has been edited by Marc Smith (edited 11-11-98).]


Roger: Our compant is pursuing QS-9000 certification and would you pleasure to send me a procedure for PM?

Michael Garnsey


I would like one too, if possible!



barb butrym

Quite Involved in Discussions
why not add one to the pdf I am sure marc would be happy to oblige if provided with one.

Mine are too company specific .... wouldn't help

Scott Knutson

Have any of you looked at TPM (Total Productive Maintenance)? This methodology is great for assuring that you have what you need with regard to Predictive and Preventive Maintenance. Marc has a string on TPM running, along with PDF files to download. Take a look. If you have other questions, let me know. I implemented a TPM system when I worked at Motorola.

Scott Knutson

Have any of you looked at TPM (Total Productive Maintenance)? This methodology is great for assuring that you have what you need with regard to Predictive and Preventive Maintenance. Marc has a string on TPM running, along with PDF files to download. Take a look. If you have other questions, let me know. I implemented a TPM system when I worked at Motorola.



Fully vaccinated are you?
TPM definitely covers ISO/QS requirements. I think it's a great system to have in place. Can take a while to implement, but the output is worth it.
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