Preventive Maintenance Scheduling Software recommendations



Hi Guys

I was just wondering about PM scheduling software that can be used in a plant/factory etc. Any good ones that someone recommends? Any free ones?


Mitch, I'm sorry I did not get back with you. I meant to post, but I got distracted.

From my experience, maintenance scheduling is not too unlike calibration scheduling. Check out this thread: (broken link removed)

It will depend on how involved you want to get. As mentioned in the other thread, Excel can work pretty well just keeping track of the dates and all. Icy Mountain provided an Access application you could adapt and adjust for it.

If you really want to get into specialized application like printing spare part reorders, detailed time reports, and such, Maximo is a good program. Unfortunately, it's not free.:)

Hope something helps.

Neil V.

We use the Preventive Maintenance database that is built into our MRP system (Hennings Esti-Track). We just got the bugs worked out and paid for some additonal programming to suit our needs. We are keeping it pretty basic, frequency of PM, last complete, next due, list of items to complete, notes for future (filter p/n's, oil type, etc.), and maintenance personel sign off. As i'm told is usually the case, the PM portion of the MRP system seems to be an afterthought. Previously we used a software program called Quality Link (must purchase). It was cumbersome to use, hence our switch, however this system is not much better (as far as user friendliness). So, we are forced to have somone from the office with computer skills do all the data entry and print off maintenance assignments, which we were trying to avoid. Not sure if the end user will be an issue in your case or not, just a thought.


Thanks need to apologise. will take a look at the the calibration software and see what it is about :)

Neil..thanks for your input as well. Much appreciated.


I have seen several places that have been succesful with Access Data bases but you need to have someone that knows how to set it up. I have set up PMs on excel in the past but it requires a lot of back end work if you want to use it to track the PMs. We just printed out schedules and kept hard copies as records. Depends on your scope on whether either are viable.

As mentioned, many MRPs include PM modules. This is also true for a lot of QMS software that is available.

My current company uses MP2 (from Infor/Datastream) whichs ties together MRO tracking, purchasing, preventive and predictive maintenance. It is a good program at a cost and a previous employer also used it.

D Scott G

Starting to get Involved

I would also recomend the MP2 program I have implemented it in a facility and used it for the PM program and more. It requires a lot of up front work, the data base must be set up perfectly, but with some tech support you can do it. i tracked mold, machine and assembly equipment PM's.
It will also track tons more, parts inventory, personell data and reorder points.

The self designed access data base is not nearly as useful and as stated above you need a access guru.



Thanks Guys. My colleague has performed a SWOT analysis on 4 packages - Maintenance Pro (IMS);MAPCON (Lite);PM Coordinator CMMS (webpage) and PMXpert CMMS. Any thoughts?

Checking out looks pretty darn good :)
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We use maintscape by GrandRavine Software limited. It is used in 7 plants. We are quite happy with it.:cool:
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