Pricing and Invoicing in a Quality Manual?

E Wall

Just Me!
Trusted Information Resource
Business Plan

You may also suggest that the formula as well as format for re-evaluation of pricing as well as invoicing policies are established (I think) as part of the buisiness plan.

Anyone else ever heard of this being done?


Feeling like Daniel.....

Well I did it and I survived! Thanks to all of you for your ideas. :bigwave:

I pulled every rabbit out of the hat and got the chance to discuss the use and purpose of the manual, the use of objectives and targets, business planning, certification, etc. It was great! He nodded and looked like he actually understood my rambling. He was still leaning to including profitability into the manual even after I told him about having to open his books and provide objective evidence of it to internal audit staff and registrar! But I leaned over and said "you don't really want me looking into your financial statements do you? I might ask for a raise!" And he agreed to leave it out.

We reached a compromise. We added the word "profitable" into the preface in the manual - which I am assuming is not auditable. We now say that we "recognize that to succeed and be profitable..." ....!

Thanks again everyone. What a team!:)


Got Here Late

Just sped through this one. Glad you got through it OK. My suggestion was going to be that profitabibility would likely be addressed early on and very simply put. Like in the mission statement, or as you said, in the preamble.
Secondly, You can take the approach that these functions are best handled in second or third tier docs. This way you keep them out of the hands of your clients.




Yes, I did tell him that we certainly would cover aspects related to profitability in lower level documentation, but he said he thought it should be right up at the top. You have to understand that this is the CFO so money is everything to him. It isn't enough that finance provides the basis for our resource allocation and market adjustments and future business planning and so is the foundation on which the whole of the business is able to meet our clients requirements and thusly satisfy them (big breath) ! By golly we need to say that we want to be profitable. So OK, we say it now. No big deal. And he doesn't care if the clients see it or not he said so it is smack dab right at the one paragraph that they are likely to read :ko:

My reservation was in what we could possibly say and where to say it without sounding bad to clients. This was a very good resolution. I am very happy with the outcome.

Mike S.

Happy to be Alive
Trusted Information Resource
now that's cleared up!

Lucinda said:

By golly we need to say that we want to be profitable. So OK, we say it now. No big deal. And he doesn't care if the clients see it or not he said so it is smack dab right at the one paragraph that they are likely to read :ko:
What! Now you want to be profitable!!!! Gee, I bet that will come as big news to your customers and employees alike. There goes the .org web address -- gotta go .net or .com now!

That CFO sounds like he needs to take a few days off and take a vacation on planet Earth.

Glad it worked out for ya.

Mike S.
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