Toyota A3 Problem Solving Format
"Bumping" an old thread...
I found this and figured I'd throw it in. Looks to be the SOS (my opinion).
Step 0: Identify a problem or need
Step 1: Conduct research to understand the current situation
Step 2: Conduct root cause analysis
Step 3: Devise countermeasures to address root causes
Step 4: Develop a target state
Step 5: Create an implementation plan
Step 6: Develop a follow-up plan with predicted outcomes
The results of steps 0-6 can be recorded on an A3 report. Click here to download an MS Word template of an A3 Report.
Step 7: Discuss plans with all affected parties
Step 8: Obtain approval for implementation
Step 9: Implement plans
Step 10: Evaluate the results
Note that the A3 process is rooted in the more basic PDCA cycle. Steps 1-8 are the Plan step (with step 5 planning the Do step and step 6 planning the Check step). Step 9 is the Do step, and step 10 is the Check step. Based on the evaluation, another problem may be identified and the A3 process starts again (Act).