Procedure & Process
Hello Every body
we are in the way to change our document according to the ISO9000-2000 requierments, and in this way we have a problem we don't know wha's different between Procedure and Process, for example we have a purchace procedure in our company and it include all work flows for purchasing and it contain som work instruction for example : evaluation for subcontractor,purchase goods reject,purchase cancelation,service order,software procurment,evaluation of traning institute and certification body,evaluation of calibration institute,and storage procedure and its instructions,
and also we define all work flow for internal and external purchasaing and all other differnts purchasing like, software,book,equipment,.....
and how can we change this procedure to processe and what is different between purchace procedure as we have and a purchase process ....
thank you in advance
Hello Every body
we are in the way to change our document according to the ISO9000-2000 requierments, and in this way we have a problem we don't know wha's different between Procedure and Process, for example we have a purchace procedure in our company and it include all work flows for purchasing and it contain som work instruction for example : evaluation for subcontractor,purchase goods reject,purchase cancelation,service order,software procurment,evaluation of traning institute and certification body,evaluation of calibration institute,and storage procedure and its instructions,
and also we define all work flow for internal and external purchasaing and all other differnts purchasing like, software,book,equipment,.....
and how can we change this procedure to processe and what is different between purchace procedure as we have and a purchase process ....
thank you in advance