David Mullins
Process Approach - Take 2.
Not trying to re-kindle any fires here, but many contributors confessed to having epiphanies about process management versus function management.
Here's a scenario:
Quality manager No.1 is developing a Quality Management System (QMS) and opts to structure the documentation in a traditional pyramid.
Quality manager No.2 is also developing a QMS and decides that a traditional document pyramid is not suitable for a process management focused organisation. Is there a QMS documentation structure that is better suited to the continuous improvement model (PDSA/PDCA/ Ishikawa Circle/Deming Wheel/ Shewart cycle), as per the ISO9001:2000 model?
Since 9001:2000 supposedly provides a process structure, then presumably each process (an acticity using resources, and managed in order to enable the transformation of inputs into outputs) consists of management responsibility, resource management, product realisation and measurement, analysis and improvement. And the 'process approach' is "the application of a system of processes within an organisation, together with the identification and interactions of these processes, and their management". Then the first step in 9001:2000 is defining your processes?
So it would follow that the most logical way to implement 9001:2000 is to identify your processes and flowchart them, listing critical resources, responsibilities and measurements.
Then add the mandatory 6 procedures and you have everything, yes?
Back to my earlier question, if the document pyramid doesn't suit the process aproach, what structure does (and it must be clear for the user to follow/find items)?
Not trying to re-kindle any fires here, but many contributors confessed to having epiphanies about process management versus function management.
Here's a scenario:
Quality manager No.1 is developing a Quality Management System (QMS) and opts to structure the documentation in a traditional pyramid.
Quality manager No.2 is also developing a QMS and decides that a traditional document pyramid is not suitable for a process management focused organisation. Is there a QMS documentation structure that is better suited to the continuous improvement model (PDSA/PDCA/ Ishikawa Circle/Deming Wheel/ Shewart cycle), as per the ISO9001:2000 model?
Since 9001:2000 supposedly provides a process structure, then presumably each process (an acticity using resources, and managed in order to enable the transformation of inputs into outputs) consists of management responsibility, resource management, product realisation and measurement, analysis and improvement. And the 'process approach' is "the application of a system of processes within an organisation, together with the identification and interactions of these processes, and their management". Then the first step in 9001:2000 is defining your processes?
So it would follow that the most logical way to implement 9001:2000 is to identify your processes and flowchart them, listing critical resources, responsibilities and measurements.
Then add the mandatory 6 procedures and you have everything, yes?
Back to my earlier question, if the document pyramid doesn't suit the process aproach, what structure does (and it must be clear for the user to follow/find items)?