Process Measures- likages to Objectives and targets
Process Approach & Objectives and Targets:
"Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts." Albert Einstein
This succintly convey the message on measurements. Measures by itself doenot cause improvement unless it triggers a PDCA- LEARNING CYCLE.
ISO9001:2000 does not insist for continual improvement of all processes but there must an overall improvement of QMS as improvement of all processes may not be feasible with reference to available limited resource nor does it reflect a good business strategy at that point of time. This is achieved by having some processes maintaining status quo while other identified processes are subject to incremental and /or breakthrough improvements consistent with Quality Policy and to meet customer requirements.
So we need to identify key processes that has an impact on customer and other stake holders to improve our business. Once this is identified the process measures need to be benchmarked with either best in class or the other grade selected consciously.This gives us the gap in the process matrics to be improved to stay in business. Once this is known ,a time frame is evolved based on market needs and suitable resource requirements are planned/ fulfilled. This facilitates identification of a quantifiable improvement in the process measures that is required. Hence this becomes one of the "Quality objectives ". Consistent with this objective, the objectives(measurable) in the improvement of support processes are to be cascaded either in a direct discussion method or through a catchball process.
This requirement of ISO 9001 is not in violation of Deming's14 principles. What Deming meant was not to have a numerical target without taking into consideration of "the knowledge of the system" or interacting processes. ie Deming is opposed to numerical quotas fixed for task performers without Management assuming responsibility for process improvement. 8 Management principles embedded in ISO9000 is consistent with Deming principles. Fixing numerical targets for process output without considering process capability or taking action to improve process is against Deming principles and inconsistent with the spirit of ISO9001:2000.
Above explanation does not give any mandate to the auditor (external!) to fix an improvement target say 20%. But organization after its management's due consideration as part of their strategic business processes and consistent with resource availability ,needs of the market segment they cater to etc , shall identify this objective. This measurable objective is for the process and not for an identified task performer. It can be as explained earlier statusquo (0-10%) , incremental 10-30% or breakthrough above 30%. The target for "improvement "in a process therefore can be 0%. We are not talking about opportunistic improvements but systemic improvements caused by planned action through conscious rotation of PDCA cycle.
What is the point in dissipating our resources in getting defect levels in a process reduce by 20% when there are other important process improvements which need attention for improvement to meet competition and to ensure customer satisfaction/delight/advocacy more precariously?
The objective "to improve defect rates in receiving inspection by performing three process audits this year" therefore doesn't meet the requirement of ISO9001:2000 DUE TO:
a) Process audit in itself does not improve process quality (except for the
improvements due to attention that at times it provides)
b) It does not fix any measurable improvement target in the identified
c) It does not provide any control mechanism to the process- PDCA cycle
operation in the absence of a target
d) A target is essential to plan for the resource need ( including
competence of personnel ) and to take corrective action on the strategic
business process which fixed objective earlier , to improve business in all
its meanings as and when need arise based on the learnings from the
processes operation/performance.
e) Target helps in benchmarking and associated gap analysis.
Process Approach & Objectives and Targets:
"Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts." Albert Einstein
This succintly convey the message on measurements. Measures by itself doenot cause improvement unless it triggers a PDCA- LEARNING CYCLE.
ISO9001:2000 does not insist for continual improvement of all processes but there must an overall improvement of QMS as improvement of all processes may not be feasible with reference to available limited resource nor does it reflect a good business strategy at that point of time. This is achieved by having some processes maintaining status quo while other identified processes are subject to incremental and /or breakthrough improvements consistent with Quality Policy and to meet customer requirements.
So we need to identify key processes that has an impact on customer and other stake holders to improve our business. Once this is identified the process measures need to be benchmarked with either best in class or the other grade selected consciously.This gives us the gap in the process matrics to be improved to stay in business. Once this is known ,a time frame is evolved based on market needs and suitable resource requirements are planned/ fulfilled. This facilitates identification of a quantifiable improvement in the process measures that is required. Hence this becomes one of the "Quality objectives ". Consistent with this objective, the objectives(measurable) in the improvement of support processes are to be cascaded either in a direct discussion method or through a catchball process.
This requirement of ISO 9001 is not in violation of Deming's14 principles. What Deming meant was not to have a numerical target without taking into consideration of "the knowledge of the system" or interacting processes. ie Deming is opposed to numerical quotas fixed for task performers without Management assuming responsibility for process improvement. 8 Management principles embedded in ISO9000 is consistent with Deming principles. Fixing numerical targets for process output without considering process capability or taking action to improve process is against Deming principles and inconsistent with the spirit of ISO9001:2000.
Above explanation does not give any mandate to the auditor (external!) to fix an improvement target say 20%. But organization after its management's due consideration as part of their strategic business processes and consistent with resource availability ,needs of the market segment they cater to etc , shall identify this objective. This measurable objective is for the process and not for an identified task performer. It can be as explained earlier statusquo (0-10%) , incremental 10-30% or breakthrough above 30%. The target for "improvement "in a process therefore can be 0%. We are not talking about opportunistic improvements but systemic improvements caused by planned action through conscious rotation of PDCA cycle.
What is the point in dissipating our resources in getting defect levels in a process reduce by 20% when there are other important process improvements which need attention for improvement to meet competition and to ensure customer satisfaction/delight/advocacy more precariously?
The objective "to improve defect rates in receiving inspection by performing three process audits this year" therefore doesn't meet the requirement of ISO9001:2000 DUE TO:
a) Process audit in itself does not improve process quality (except for the
improvements due to attention that at times it provides)
b) It does not fix any measurable improvement target in the identified
c) It does not provide any control mechanism to the process- PDCA cycle
operation in the absence of a target
d) A target is essential to plan for the resource need ( including
competence of personnel ) and to take corrective action on the strategic
business process which fixed objective earlier , to improve business in all
its meanings as and when need arise based on the learnings from the
processes operation/performance.
e) Target helps in benchmarking and associated gap analysis.