Product ID, Inspection and Test Status, - QS9000


Becky Blosser

Must nonconforming/quarantined goods be visibly marked?

Our company has been marking quarantined goods with a special label. We have not been able to set aside marked areas for quarantined product, as space is at a premium and goods are stored in the first available space.

However, since the process started, we have upgraded our computer system and added RF scanners to scan location and counts directly into the system. A suggestion has been made that the quarantine ID be shown on the scanners, so that Team Members will know that the product is not available for shipment, and eliminate the time-consuming process of attachment of the labels.

Would this be kosher, or must there be a physical, visible ID?

Becky Blosser

Well, duh! On my part, that is! :eek:

I was looking in the wrong place (as usual, it seems). I researched 4.12 - apparently I forgot to think about quarantined product as nonconforming.

Thanks for the guidance!

Al Dyer


Remember, quarantined product does not automatically mean nonconforming product.

We have special shipments of goods and products that we want to control in a different manner than nonconforming product.

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