Product Liability Training to comply with VDA - Course Content



To solve a non conformity I have to (let) train decission making collegues of mine for Product Liability (06.1). For me it's hard to define the contents of this training. Strange enough even the Registrar can't define exactly the required contents of such a training. They know (and we know) that we don't comply with VDA. How to comply we don't know.
Can anyone tell me how (s)he has solved this issue?

[This message has been edited by Eugène (edited 05 July 2000).]


There is european legislation about product liability. We have made a small summary of this laws ( a one-page summary) an explained it to the workers. In this training we also included which are the characteristics of our products that are most likely to have consequences on product liability, specially because they can affect the safe use of the product (special characteristics). We have also explained them the following points
- How these characteristics are taken into account in the design phase of the product/process and in the quality planning (FMEA, etc)
- How can the workers know which are these characteristics (they are specified in work instructions and in the work place with special symbols)
- Implications of the "appointment" of a characteristic as special: periods to keep records, traceability, ...


Hi Vabe,

Can you provide me with such a summary? I'm not familiar with that legislation.
Thanks in advance!

[This message has been edited by Eugène (edited 21 July 2000).]
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