Product Safety Officer - How to keep VW Happy



hi all,
our company produce Automotive parts (most standard catalogue parts), we're about to have the POT audit by Volkswagen and we're struggling to identify the best person.

Does anyone have any experience with Volkswagen's expectations for this function?
Which department would you recommend to pick from?

thanks for help

Jim Wynne

Re: Product Safety Officer - How to keep VW happy?

What is a POT audit, and how does Product Safety Auditor relate to it?


Re: Product Safety Officer - How to keep VW happy?

POT = potential audit (part of VDA6.3 assessment)

The Product Safety Officer (Representative) function is mentioned in several places of VDA but not in very much detail. It makes sense from a production point of view but doesn't make any sense whatsoever when you're a sales location only (and don't touch the product, in fact, not even see it)

My question is very specific related to Volkswagen business. I'm hoping to get insight from someone who's done projects for Volkswagen.


Trusted Information Resource
Re: Product Safety Officer - How to keep VW happy?

Briefly - Product Safety Representative (PSB) must know product and its purpose, organizational manufacturing processes, German Product Safety Act and the German Product Liability Act, methodology of risk management.

(S)he is focused on activities related to prevention of safety items failures from product development through process design until monitoring of mass production conditions.

Whole details are described in 2-pages document available on VW B2B portal for suppliers only.

If your company is TS certified, I think Customer representative mentioned in ISO/TS 16949:2009 clause is a right person for this job.


Re: Product Safety Officer - How to keep VW happy?

:thanx: Thanks Sebastian, now we're talking!

I've done a search for it on the VW portal but can't seem to locate it (at least not in English). Do you know what the document is called (or its VW number)?

What would you suggest for a company that has an independent Sales and Distribution office. Our office is in the UK and we only get orders from the customers in Europe and send them whatever's in the warehouse (which comes readily packed from the plant). Do we need this Product Safety Officer here too?

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Trusted Information Resource
Re: Product Safety Officer - How to keep VW happy?

:thanx: Thanks Sebastian, now we're talking!

I've done a search for it on the VW portal but can't seem to locate it (at least not in English). Do you know what the document is called (or its VW number)?

Start >> Information >> Divisions >> Quality Assurance >> Formel Q >> Formel Q Capability

Further Downloads
Duties of the product safety representative (PSB).pdf

What would you suggest for a company that has an independent Sales and Distribution office. Our office is in the UK and we only get orders from the customers in Europe and send them whatever's in the warehouse (which comes readily packed from the plant). Do we need this Product Safety Officer here too?


It is related to product & process design and manufacturing so location where these activities are performed should "have" this person.


Re: Product Safety Officer - How to keep VW happy?

Thanks, got Formel Q right from the start but can't find the other download. What's that document called in German or what's the VW document number?



Re: Product Safety Officer - How to keep VW happy?

I have just completed the VW sponsored Product Liability training - in order to become my divisional "Product Safety Officer". I'm the Quality systems engineer and, in terms of compliance, it seemed my role suited the requirement to have someone who is "vigilant" and aware of liability & product-based safety risks. To be honest, my role as an Auditor (for 30+ years) had already given me an idea of what constitutes a "risk" out in the field - and, IMHO, a sales office is a good place to have someone who is aware of the potential disasters waiting round the corner following claims of performance, suitability for a "role" or "fitness for purpose" in the event of an accident or just plain breakdown.

Luisa Reis

Re: Product Safety Officer - How to keep VW happy?

Regarding the requirement from VW on Formel Q in which the company has to give detailed information and training for the relevant staff on "Product safety and product liability", does anyone extended this training to the whole organization, including operators? Do you have training materials to share?


Re: Product Safety Officer - How to keep VW happy?

I have just joined the Produktsicherheitsbeauftragte von Lieferanten (L-PSB)“, 13. November 2014, Audi Forum Neckarsulm.

My understanding is;
* There is separate PSB organization in VW Group
* Main expectation is to avoid Recals related to safety issues
* Product Design risk (safety related) is top focus item
* Both German Product Safety Law and Country Safety Law should be known

On the other hand no further details shared in terms of how PSB should function, what will be further steps of all parties to avoid recalls.
In my opinion this organization should be much more in cooperation with engineering and quality teams during the pre-series. DFMEA is one of the key tool.

I will be glad if the ones who have experiences can share their feedback, thanks...
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