QMS and ISO 9001 certification - Benefits of implementing a quality management system



I would appreciate if someone could please state for me the benefits of implementing a quality management system and possibly obtain ISO certification for a Service industry - I need to get top management buy-in on this matter and I need very strong arguments. Any suggestions are welcome!


I asked basically the same question. There is an excellent reply from David Mullins. Look at QMS dated March 1, 2001. It is a good start.


I did, thank you!
I was hoping however to get more help on how to gain buy-in from top management in a service industry, as my impression is that proper quality management is not considered a fundamental element of the company's success

Aaron Lupo

Originally posted by Paola:
as my impression is that proper quality management is not considered a fundamental element of the company's success

Could you explain that? I dont mean to sound stupid but I would like to know why you feel this way.

David Mullins

Service industry, manufacturing, mining, processing - does it reall matter?

There is no formula for this.

1. You need to determine who your Key Stakeholders are.
2. Determine how the project will impact them (what needs are satisfied, what areas create conflict for them)(e.g. - this can be used when constructing a risk managemenet table).
3. Determine what impact they can have on the project.
4. Sit them all down together (where practicable) and explain what the project is about - what is to be achieved, tell them what you want from them, get them to air their concerns and discuss how these will be dealt with.
5. Get them to confirm their committment before they leave the room. This can be done simply if confidence is high, or you can get everybody to sign a committment charter if you think that is what it will take.

SHORT VERSION: Identify the key stakeholders, determine what their needs and expectations are, and then manage and influence those expectations to ensure a successful outcome.
In general, differences between or among stakeholders should be resolved in favour of the customer.

I usually do a 1 on 1 with the CEO/President/MD and tell them that I need them to be visually supporting the project through words or actions.

I frequently use the signed Quality Policy to highlight to employees that this document signifies senior management's committment to supplying the necessary resources and skills to achieve the goals of the project.

A management representative for quality is usually appointed or employed because the company has a need. This may be market driven, or improvement driven. Either way, the fact you have a job is recognition by the company that this needs to happen, and everyone in management needs to get on board.

Hope this helps.


Al Dyer


In response to your last post, I hope you didn't get that impression from your management. If you did you are in for a long bumpy ride!



In reply to Iso Guy and Al, well, unfortunately this seems to be the general attitude in the company I am working in, which in a way is a bit of a contradiction. As David says, if I have a job in quality it means that the company recognises the need to do something about it.
Thank you David for your advice!
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