QS Training - Am trying to tie training in with job descriptions


Norman Black

New to QS, assigned to develop system. Question about training. Am trying to tie training in with job descriptions (hourly, most salary, no mgmt.) and periodic employee reviews so that they work together.

Background: ~200 employees, metal stampings, no design of product (another question, later) high turnover in hourly operators, we have detailed work instructions for operator tasks and these are used for training (room for improvement in verification of effectiveness).

Using the employee job description as a starting point, the supervisor periodically reviews the employee training and experience as part of general performance review. This is compared to the 'job description' (wish list of employee skills often used in ad copy). The differences become the employees identified training needs. There could be other skills that the supervisor wants to develop for the position, these may also be added to training needs matrix. The super is then resonsible to develop a plan to give the training to employees (if he/she is qualified or the expertise is available in-house, if not HR is contacted).
The record of review, identified training needs, and records of completion (and verification of effectiveness) are all forwarded to HR.

It seems that QS wants HR to be responsible for training, I don't see that working here but believe that this will. Opinions please.


From what you have documented in your post it sounds like your are on the right track. I do not believe that QS is specific as to who does the training needs assessments. If your system is written that way, i.e. HR responsible for training, then that is what you have imposed internally.

Pete Maizitis
Lead Auditor
(broken link removed)


I agree, your headed down the right path. Our process uses an initial, random selected sampling of employees and procedures to which they have been trained. (MS Access database used.) Supervisors quarterly review their employees' capabilities to perform the identified procedures to determine training effectiveness and training needs. (At one time this may mean two to five procedures per employee with the number of employees per dept. dependant upon the size of the dept.) Reports are returned to HR that document this review.
Within a two year period, by eliminating employees and procedures already covered from the next and subsequent quarters, this process completes a 100% audit.
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