Quality Procedure and Work Instruction templates - Level 2 and Level 3



Dear Friends:
My company has asked me to go ahead start writing level two and level three documentation for iso 9000 2000 and also wants me to prepare a quality manual. I got some sample manuals from some of our friends but if somebody can provide me with templates for level two (procedures) and level three(work insturctions) i will really appreciate that.

Mike S.

Happy to be Alive
Trusted Information Resource

Make the templates look the way you want them to look. What I might like you or your co-workers may not like or it may not work as well for you. However, on my docs., I have a header on every page that has the company logo, doc name, doc number with rev. level, and date. In the footer of every page I list the page # and # of pages in the total doc. (i.e. Page 2 of 5). I also have a cover page (page 1 of every doc) with release signatures, controlled copy distribution list, and a revision history as well as the above.

In the "meat" of the doc. I list a purpose, scope, any associated reference documents, and then as many steps/drawings/flowcharts as required to explain the task.

Hope this helps.

barb butrym

Quite Involved in Discussions
i agree

a procedure format is company specific, once you get past the required info (see mike's comments)

who will be using the documents? write to the audience, user friendly OR no one will read them. Operators or engineer?

I like simple flow charts with note boxes. One pagers. the rest of the generic statements can go in the QA manual. BUT then I think in flow charts so its logical for me. Some people think in mil standards so they like the wordy stuff. I also do video clips inserted.......or photos.

Use an easy to read at a glance font, signatures don't have to be on the issued document, i use a change record so i can keep it to 1 page 99% of the time...just my preference.


QUality procedures

dear Mike:
Thanks for the info. I was actucally wondering whether i can get a sample procedure from which i can get some idea to customize to our company's requirement. Since i am doing it for the first time with ISO 9k 2k i thought it might be helpful to have a sample procedure manual to refer. If you dont mind and if it is not against your company policy can you email me a soft copy of your procedure manual.


Personnel names in procedures

Dear friends:
I have been given the task of documenting the level one, level two and level three documents.
In our company in all the procedures they have they use the person's name. says that who enters what and who does what to that. Is that a fair practice or do i have to modify those procedures.
Suggestions are welcome

Mike S.

Happy to be Alive
Trusted Information Resource

IMO you do not HAVE to modify those procedures, but it is usually easier on you if you use the person's title instead of their name because if the person changes jobs within your company or leaves the company the procedure would have to be changed to reflect the new person's name. So, for example, I use statements like "the Sales Manager shall..." instead of "Joe Smith shall...".
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