Trusted Information Resource
Thanks for chiming in above! We wrote new/revised old procedures and included the RBT in all except a couple. But since we just implemented it within the last 2 - 3 months, I wonder how we will do in the Stage 1....we'll all find out very soon (Monday 17th). I wasn't even sure how to audit it since it is so new. Everything written is what we do since it's newly written in text and not tribal knowledge. It's like everyone says, we've all been doing it but not realizing it and it was never outlined/written down until now.
HA! I am quoting myself! Now that a few months have flown by and I have had a chance to see how the system works....NOT. FYI - Putting the RBT in procedures is a waste. No one looks at procedures. In addition, I also have all of those RBT's in a Register thingy in excel. Double effort here. Which has proved to fail because if I want to update a risk, I have to update the darn-tootin' procedure too. UGH.
I am going to revise the procedures to eliminate the RBT. Maybe I will add a reference to the Register-thingy in the procedures instead? Maybe not? I will end up just having an external register-thingy in Excel. Which can be printed and posted in each department.
Now, for the chore of revising 18 procedures....
comments, suggestions......