Root cause analysis software - Off the shelf software to guide Corrective Action team



My management has expressed an interest in off-the-shelf root cause analysis software that would guide corrective action teams and provide an easy way to collect data and document the process.

Has anyone had any experience with such software? Would appreciate your thoughts on its effectiveness, ease of use, etc.

Thank you.

Al Dyer

I have an 8d Access 2000 database I could send that might work for you if you have personnel that know the software.


Al Dyer
Mngt. Rep.
[email protected]


Fully vaccinated are you?
That's the way to go. With something 'home grown' which uses a database like access, you can tailor it to another company easily - and you don't have to buy the latest update a least once a year.

I'm not sure who has canned 8-D software right now. Maybe one of the other folks who visit the forums uses a canned 8-D product they can tell us about.

Al Dyer

The database is now in the FTP section of the forum.

Look for:

JT CA PA.mdb

EDIT: This version is for Access 2000 software. E-Mail me if you want it in an earlier version.


[This message has been edited by Al Dyer (edited 27 February 2001).]

wally dniprenko

EDIT: This version is for Access 2000 software. E-Mail me if you want it in an earlier version.


Hi again,

I'd be interested in the Access 97 version.

I'm close to creating my own but I'm relatively new to Access and having some difficulty. My #1 hurdle is the difference between two (2) dates excluding weekends and holidays. I'm sure this will be a great help.

thanks in advance,

wally d

Michel Saad

We use a lotus notes base software from QSI which we customized to our need. It includes electronic approval, e-mail notification and escalation when dates are past due. Works great.


Can you tell me how to get to the ftp site? I would like the access database
on root cause anaylsis? I am slo looking for a 5-why form
Thank you.

Bill Ryan - 2007

lday38 said:
Can you tell me how to get to the ftp site? I would like the access database
lday38 said:
on root cause anaylsis? I am slo looking for a 5-why form
Thank you.

Here is a 5-Why template we use.



  • 5-why template.pdf
    73.5 KB · Views: 1,790
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