Sample Forms for Internal Waivers


Quite Involved in Discussions
Internal Waivers

Looking for some sample forms for internal waivers. Never came across this before. We have standards set on each product. Much of the standard is ours at times customers will call and add to their orders and of course we make every effort to comply. Sometimes we are short on the correct color and use a close color and paint to match our standard, so the extra match the original. Would like to have a form for sign off and that travels with the product. At the end it still meets the customer requirements per their print and specs. Any help would be appreciated.

E Wall

Just Me!
Trusted Information Resource
What we use

This is the form we use:


  • plant deviation form blank cf-q-02-7.doc
    32.5 KB · Views: 913


Your quote:
"use a close color and paint to match our standard, so the extra match the original."
Just curious, if the ccolor matches the standard, why do you need a waiver?


E. Wall
Nice form layout. I like the way the input instructions are included in the form.
I did not see a place for the customer to approve.

E Wall

Just Me!
Trusted Information Resource
Customer Approval...

Thanks Sam!
This is only for process controls that are set at the manufacturing plant (as opposed to material or product specifications set at our corporate offices - which would require a corporate deviation and that does include customer approvals).

One of our mandates is that plant documents cannot conflict with corporate quality documents...even our deviations. If waiting for a corporate deviation approval process will effectively shut down the mfg plant, our system does allow the Plant Mgr to make a judgment call, notify a project (corp) engineer immediately, initiate a plant deviation to keep running and use it as an attachement to a corporate deviation request.

This can be a painful lesson in not running unless you absolutely need to and know with high % certainty that you will still meet product specs...because if the corporate deviation is rejected, the plant eats the scrap costs.

This very rarely occurs for us because we (at corp level) design the products and create the product specifications - then they are sold to customers rather than making customer specified product. When the plant makes that judgement call it is 98% of the time based on either a trial or previously seen condition where it is not going to cause an impact to or failure to meet the finished product criteria.


Quite Involved in Discussions
Color is checked througout our processes, I am told if the material is too hot the Delta readinfg can change. This internal waiver is more of a notification. Hope this explains it!!
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