Samples for marketing purposes - Subject to Contract Review?



Can anyone tell me if samples for marketing purposes which may or may not have been requested by a customer and are purely for visual purposes, subject for contract review.


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Normally, if you are preparing marketing samples, you do not have an order from the customer, so my answer would be "no", but let me tell you what we do ...

For our purposes, we call marketing samples "prototypes" and they are the meat of our contract review. We take the prototyping stage as the time to review what the customer wants, what we can do for the customer, and we clarify any areas that are unclear. This works best for our purposes.

Hope I didn't cloud the issue for you.



Samples for marketing purposes.

From my experience when it is a customer request this falls within contract review.

When not requested by the customer this would not fall within contract review.

I would consider the other sections such as whether or not they require control, etc.

What type of samples are they?




Thanks for your comments, in this case we are providing them with an application for a product which already exists, potential customers like to see the finished artical after an application has been made. For this reason we could not call them prototypes as the part is in mass production.
We could however use your approach in other areas.





Sorry, I did not see your comments before responding to Carol, the company I work for make joining products for the automotive industry. A sample consists of two pieces of metal joined together by our product. It can not do anything except look pretty, it just shows how the product effects the metal.

Another example of a sample would be the parts we have to supply for a PPAP report which goes to the customer as "samples", these are for verification only and are not for use in any way.

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