Sanctioned format for the Chrysler 7 Step Corrective Action Process


Lety Broome

Chrysler 7 Step

Does anyone know where to get a sanctioned format for the Chrysler 7 Step? QS9000, Section II only lists the Steps, but I am looking specifically for a format. My assumption is that since QS does not specify a format, any format is acceptable as long as it addresses the 7 Steps listed in QS.

Al Dyer

As long as you cover the Chrysler 7 steps the format is up to you. You could use Word and design your own form that complies with all Chrysler aspects as well as those that might be needed by you.

Be creative and make the form work for you. One thing we have added is a notation to require that the FMEA be reviewed for each applicable corrective action.

Also check the FTP site, there are probably some sample forms there.


[This message has been edited by Al Dyer (edited 12 March 2001).]


Refer to the table on page 65 of the QSR. Also if you are a Tier I supplier I would suggest that you get access to the DC website.


Chrysler has a manual called " the 7 step process ".

But, you can actualy use whatever format as long as you have the 7 Step covered.



Jim Evans

When we went to our initial meeting with the DaimlerChrysler people we were given a 7D form to submit when the occasion arose. I am not sure if it is universal or only for our commodity (material handling racks). We have only been working with DCX for about a month so this may be relatively new. They also gave us several other forms (Initial Sample Inspection, Balanced Scorecard for our commidity among others). They emphasized that all official correspondence must take place in the prescribed format. I would suggest that people dealing with DCX contact their rep there to see if any of this will apply to them.

Jim Evans
I am a DCX quality specialist... The form you mention can be found on the Extended Enterprise website SPIN website Here is the link

DCX requires all Extended Enterprise's to use this format only and not alter it's format, however, some suppliers have modified minor tweaks to fit their companies. Most companies find a way to make the form repeatable and mutliple re-issuing of the blank form either in MSword or MSexcel.

Although without a DCX supplier logon ID you won't be able to access this form. Please E-mail me and I will send you an acrobat file of the form... @ [email protected]


General Motors has very specific requirements for timeframes in which things must occur with PRR's. Does Chrysler also have time frame requirements published somewhere? For those familiar with GM GP5, does Chrysler have a similar document?
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