Seeking: Process Audit Examples


ml retcher

Process audits

Would anyone be willing to share examples of their process audits? We are a metal stampings company in the transportation industry.

At all of our facilities, most of my internal auditors are from the production areas. I find they are not as likely to ask questions to Management as internal auditors that are Office personnel or Management.

In order for them to effectively audit our system I feel it is important that they have process audits to follow. This tool would allow them to be more effective and understand other areas of the quality system they are not associated with on a daily basis.


Post retracted (I apologize) but there have been too many requests that although they sound sincere, I am getting a lot of bogus information as to where to send the information. I have no problem sending information out if it can help someone. But please, supply the correct information to send it to.

This makes me wonder - are people requesting stuff and purposefully giving false information to make people try and help a ghost? Do so many people (4 of 7 requests) really NOT know what their fax or phone number is? Do people really tell others they work for companies that they don't? What does this accomplish?

[This message has been edited by CJacobsen (edited 31 October 2000).]


It would be like a present from heaven. If there are any favors I can return, please let me know. I will be looking for it. Thanks again! Dawn


Can you please help me on the steps of process audits?

I need help on the systematic and how it is done....



At present I use my production operators as process auditors of the workstations only. I have combined a variety of questions covering elements 4.9, 4.13, 4.15, the auditors ask the operators questions in addition to an audit of their workstations. In the beginning the workstations where audited 2x a week. Now the workstations are being audited 1x month. Frequency is increased depending on nonconformities identified.
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