Seeking Volunteers for ASQ CQE Exam Review

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Hi All,

I'm the CQE Subcommittee Liaison and am in the process of recruiting for the CQE Exam Review Workshop that will occur on February 25-26, 2011 in Milwaukee.

For those that are unfamiliar with this process, volunteers are asked to take the upcoming exam at home over a two week period. You submit your responses, and any concerns that you have over questions (repeats, no right answer, different answer for different industries, etc) to ASQ ahead of the workshop. Your responses aren't graded, but they are recorded and compared to what the other volunteers submitted. On February 25-26, the twelve volunteers meet at ASQ HQ in Milwaukee and review any questions that had a wide spread on responses and discuss, change the question, or delete the question and replace with another.

This is an intensive two day workshop, but it is also a great opportunity to network with other professionals, and can also be a lot of fun. All travel, hotel (for those who arent local), and meal expenses are covered by ASQ, and each participant is eligible to receive up to 2 recertification units for their participation.

If you meet the following qualifications, and are interested in volunteering, please e-mail me with your name, title, industry, location, ASQ member number, contact information, and if you have participated in a workshop previously. All information submitted is confidential and will not be distributed. Those volunteers who are selected will receive a formal invitation via e-mail.


  • current with your CQE Certificate
  • member of ASQ
  • located in North America
  • willing to sign a confidentially agrement that prevents you from divulging information about the exam for a period of two years

We look for a good mix of candidates, so if you volunteer and are not formally invited, please know that your name is entered into the database of volunteers for future workshops.

Oh by the way, I have permission from both ASQ and from Marc to post this here. :)

Holly Allen

Duke Okes

Hmmm ... February in Milwaukee ... somebody doesn't understand marketing, unless you're looking for people who also like to ice skate.

Bet you'd get a lot of takers if it were in Orlando!


Holly, thank you so much for coming here and placing the offer. :agree1:

I'm in Texas. Are you guys covering travel/airfare? If so, I'll look at my schedule and see if there is an opportunity. If not, do you have a general geographic area you are looking at.

Otherwise, we'll try to keep your thread active here, so you can get maximum exposure.

Again, thanks for dropping in.:bigwave:

Jen Kirley

Quality and Auditing Expert
I have done this twice for Certified Mechanical Inspector. (That's what they called it in the old days, anyway :eek:) I really enjoyed it both times; I thought it was very interesting and informative. Holly, thank you for giving Covers the chance to try it too. It also makes an interesting resume bullet.

I'd like to be remembered for Certified Auditor next time. My auditing experience is much more recent than inspection. Oh - but I would need to recertify first. I had forgotten about that.


Good afternoon Holly,

Private message sent to you with requested information. I look forward to further consideration and working with you.

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